In theory, I don't have any problem with bicyclists. They get exercise, while getting to where they want to go, all without contributing to traffic congestion or global warming. I have several friends who ride bikes. I have several food delivery guys who ride bikes. All are essential to my general happiness.
However, despite my sunny predisposition and friendly attitude toward bicyclists in general, a small sub-group of the aforementioned bicyclists have rejected my goodwill. These bicyclists are a menace to pedestrians everywhere and must be stopped! Too dramatic? Ok, well, I'll concede that many bicyclists drive (ride?) safely and conscientiously. But there are lots of bikers (ugh, can I stop typing "bicyclists" already?) who have no respect for traffic regulations or pedestrians. The worst of these are bike messengers, but they're not the only ones. Many casual bikers are just as guilty. They go the wrong way on one way streets, they run red lights, they ... well, those are the two main problems they cause.
Why am I grousing about this today? Obviously, its because I was almost run over by a couple of bikers today. The first was going the wrong way on a one way street, so while I was looking in the direction of oncoming traffic to make sure no cars were coming when I crossed the street, this bike came from the other direction and nearly knocked me down. And not two minutes later, crossing another street, a bike ran a red light to make a turn in front of me and again, almost ran right into me. Both times, I caught my breath, and shook my fist in indignation, but what else could I do? Nothing. I fantasized about actually getting hit and then suing the bike messenger company, but really, unless the biker gets hurt in the crash, he's not going to stick around to tell me who he works for.
What I don't get though is why the bikers can't just follow the traffic rules. I mean, yeah, I guess that would slow them down and defeat part of the purpose of riding the bike instead of walking. And its not like cops are writing out tickets against reckless bikers. But every now and then someone gets hurt, and its occasionally the biker. That should at least be some deterrence, right?
So tell me bikers, if any of you are reading my blog, what is wrong with you?